Antoni Martí Monterde revisits Josep Pla and Joan Fuster


Editorial Afers and Editorial 3i4 publish two new books by Professor Antoni Martí Monterde on Josep Pla and Joan Fuster

Dr. Antoni Martí Monterde, professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the Department of Hispanic Philology, Theory of Literature and Communication of the University of Barcelona and leading investor of the Grup de Recerca de Literatura Comparada en l’Espai Intel·lectual Europeu (LC:eIE), presents on Friday 10 May 2019, at La Calders bookstore, his last two books. In Joan Fuster: la paraula assaig  (Editorial Afers), the author makes an approach to the humanist essay by Fuster and emphasizes his originality, as well as inserting his work into the sociology of culture up to meditation on Catalan culture in the framework of European cultural identity. In PParís, Madrid, Nova York: Les ciutats de lluny de Josep Pla  (Editorial 3i4), Martí Monterde focuses on two very specific moments, in the 1920s and 1950s, when Pla projected on the cities visited a landscape view, and it gives off a poetic of the displaced writing, even a sociology of the city, the own and the stranger.